This is a story about a young surrogate mother in Korea whobecomes full grown. In addition, the film focuses on sexualityand women's deep emotion. Although the young girl is sold toan old man, we can see that her small world is mysterious andprofound from her point of view. There are butterflies andbees in her flower-bed, frogs and tadpoles swimming in herwell, and frolicking rats under the floor. As the camera focuseson the details of nature in her view, we can see hidden se...
This is a story about a young surrogate mother in Korea whobecomes full grown. In addition, the film focuses on sexualityand women's deep emotion. Although the young girl is sold toan old man, we can see that her small world is mysterious andprofound from her point of view. There are butterflies andbees in her flower-bed, frogs and tadpoles swimming in herwell, and frolicking rats under the floor. As the camera focuseson the details of nature in her view, we can see hidden sexualmetaphors, refined eroticism and aesthetic visuals. The youngsurrogate mother has her heart broken twice by unfulfilled loveand the birth of a baby before the onset of the Korean War.