• Film


Eve's Second Bedroom (1987)
< I-beu-ui Geon-neon-bang >
  • Eve's Second Bedroom
Jae-suk is a reporter at the college's broadcast team. She meets Jae-wu in Daehak-ro street while she was collecting data for the news but he ends up marrying her sister, Young-suk. Broken hearted, she goes over to the U.S. for her study. She confesses her love for Jae-wu and encounters Jae-wu as he was attending a medical seminar in Tokyo. Their affair causes Young-suk's suicide and the adulterous couple disappears to a deserted island.(Reference : Korean Film Archive)
Genre Adult, Drama Production Status Released
Running Time 105min Release Date Mar 28, 1987
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
Director & Producer
Cast Awards and Invitation
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