Hae-young, who lives in a remote seaside village with her daughter Young-sin, a child between her old lover Sin-ho, gets an offer from her brother to come to Seoul, running a flower shop. But soon she finds out that the money her brother gave her to buy the shop was handed to her by Sin-ho, whose business has just gotten bankrupt. He is in terrible condition, feeling a great burden for having to abandon his lover and child to marry another woman. Sin-ho's wife, who pities her...
Hae-young, who lives in a remote seaside village with her daughter Young-sin, a child between her old lover Sin-ho, gets an offer from her brother to come to Seoul, running a flower shop. But soon she finds out that the money her brother gave her to buy the shop was handed to her by Sin-ho, whose business has just gotten bankrupt. He is in terrible condition, feeling a great burden for having to abandon his lover and child to marry another woman. Sin-ho's wife, who pities her husband, asks Hae-young to go live far away from her family. Hae-young decides to live in Japan after marrying a Korean-Japanese.